Full Movie Carrie For FreeDownload Carrie High Quality with duration 98 Min and broadcast on 1976-11-03 and MPAA rating is 136.Original Title : CarrieMovie title in your country : CarrieYear of movie : 1976Genres of movie : Horror, Thriller, Status of movie : ReleasedRelease date of movie : 1976-11-03Companies of movie : United Artists, Countries of movie : United States of America, Language of movie : English, Durationof movie : 98 MinAverage vote of movie : 6.7Youtube ID of movie : yJe0iVo8y3ATranslation of movie : EN,NL,DE,IT,FR,PT,ES,RU,HU,SV,TR,PL,DA,ZH,Actors of movie :Sissy Spacek ( Carrie White )Piper Laurie ( Margaret White )Amy Irving ( Sue